Day 2 and we’re off to San Francisco! Yay!!! So after a week of rain we are greeted by a beautiful sunny day with even more beautiful weather on the horizon for the weekend! An overnight trip to San Fran is just what the Doctor ordered. So we load ‘em up and move ‘em out and arrive at the Hotel Adagio with more than enough time to grab dinner and a couple of drinks before the game. Or so we thought…minutes after meeting up with Brent & Sash in the hotel bar (well over 2 hours before the game is to start) reports of Snuggie insanity start coming in. People are already swarming the gates of AT&T Park to get their hands on those coveted team logo wearable blankets! But seriously, can you blame them??? Who doesn’t dream of owning a bright orange thin fleece backward robe with their favorite team's logo on it?? I know I’ve had my sights set on having one of my very own since back in December when I fist saw the teaser for the promo giveaways… and then when I found out it was for the April 23rd game – it’s like it was birthday present just for me! So, picture the panic I felt as I heard, “There may not be any left by the time we get there…” Um, change of plans. Finish the drink, quick wardrobe change and zoom off to the park, we’ll eat there.
As we get down there Snuggie Insanity it is! An hour & a half early, we make it as they are bring down the “last case” of Snuggies. But we got them & I am a happy girl.

We were offered money for one of ours & people were selling them on the street for $100! Little did everyone know that once inside the park, you could purchase a much nicer quality Snuggie (without the Fanta logo all over it) for $36.
On to the game… we got to see the Giants debut their new Orange Fridays uniforms, which are pretty awesome.

We also got to watch as Lincecum struck out eight batters in seven innings. Starting things out right as the Giants beat the Cardinals 4-1. And of course, it wouldn’t a trip to AT&T Park with out standing in a crazy long line to get some super yummy Gilroy Garlic Fries!
Can I also mention how I didn’t have a single alcoholic beverage during the game? What is that??? See, it’s very possible to have loads of fun without drinking! But as we made our way back to the hotel we realized that while it’s kind of late & we
could just go to bed, that would be what boring old people would do… Being that we are NOT boring old people, it’s still pretty early & it would be a shame not to make another stop into the Bar Adagio.

Enter Jonathan – no Christopher… ah yes, that's right, his name was
going to be John, until his mom realized he was born on Christopher Columbus day and well you get the point. Anyhoo, he was our awesome bartender for the night and he had a strange knowledge of mythical creatures that was almost as good as Chad’s. (pretty sure you’re the only one I know who can score 100% there babe!) While three of us managed to drink our way through the specialty drink menu, sweet mommy to be Sasha sipped on ice water and pretend to not get too annoyed with my endless chatter. Way to be a trooper! We are so sharing a bottle of Morgan (the wine, not the Captain – I can’t hang with the Captain) once baby Sloup is living outside the belly!

Ok, Ok, so I’m rambling… but hello, “Random Musings”, “Cluttered Mind”… if that wasn’t to be expected I don’t know what is!
PS, if you are ever at the Hotel Adagio, try the Gimlet… it really is as good as they claim! (And I don’t even like gin)